2024 INES Best Paper Award
Our international and interdisciplinary prize committee selected the article “Framing Intelligent Transport Systems in the Arctic: Reindeer, Fish and the Engineered Road” by Bård Torvetjønn Haugland, Marianne Ryghaug & Roger Andre Søraa for this year's INES Best Paper Award. The candidate pool of articles for this year's prize were all papers published in Engineering Studies during 2022 and 2023.
The committee was impressed by the paper's engaging language; its deft use of conceptual work drawn from STS, environmental history, and animal studies; and its excellent deployment of Goffman’s “frames” and Callon’s “overflows” to offer a well-crafted analytic. Its use of grounded theory methods to approach observations, interviews, policy documents, and grey literature resulted in a robust account of how engineers reassemble a particular nature-culture divide in relation to the road that we found both novel and relevant to the core of engineering studies scholarship.
We deliberated extensively, as we had excellent articles to review. However, we felt that this paper more than met prize criteria of:
Inspiring and relevant research problems
Significant contribution to the field
Outstanding use—and possibly development—of relevant theory
Exemplary use of appropriate research methods
Potential for transforming the field
We look forward to celebrating this paper at the INES workshop in November.
Committee Members - 2024 INES Best Paper Award
Elizabeth Reddy
Sarah Appelhans
Stathis Arapostathis
Denver Tang
James Trevelyan
Christine Winberg