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Franzway, S., R. Sharp, J. E. Mills, and J. Gill, "Engineering Ignorance: The Problem of Gender Equity in Engineering", Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, vol. 30, pp. 89-106, 2009.
Hull, C. W., "Engineering in a global economy: A United States perspective", Technology in society, vol. 12, pp. 107-120, 1990.
Marcus, A. I., Engineering in a land-grant context: The past, present, and future of an idea, West Lafayette, Ind., Purdue University Press, 2005.
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Merritt, R. H., Engineering in American Society, 1850-1875, Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 1969.
Weinberg, A. M., "Engineering in an Age of Anxiety", Issues in Science and Technology, vol. 6, pp. 37-43, 1989.
Donovan, A., "Engineering in an Increasingly Complex Society: Historical Perspectives on Education, Practice, and Adaptation in American Engineering", Engineering in Society, Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, pp. 81-132, 1985.
Holbrook, A., L. Panozza, and E. Prieto, "Engineering in Children’s Fiction: Not a good story?", International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, vol. 7, pp. 723-740, 2009.
Christensen, S. Hyldgaard, B. Delahousse, and M. Meganck, Engineering in context, Copenhagen, Academica, 2009.
Liel, A. B., and D. P. Billington, "Engineering Innovation at Bonneville Dam", Technology and Culture, vol. 49, pp. 727-751, 2008.
Dai, R., "Engineering Innovation Based on Metasynthesis", Journal of Engineering Studies, vol. 1, pp. 46-50, 2009.
Li, B., "Engineering Innovation: Selection and Construction in Innovation Space", Journal of Engineering Studies, vol. 1, pp. 51-57, 2009.
Dalzell, F., Engineering Invention: Frank J. Sprague and the U.S. Electrical Industry, 1880-1900, Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press, 2009.
Bromberg, J. Lisa, "Engineering Knowledge in the Laser Field", Technology and Culture, vol. 27, pp. 798-818, 1986.
Forsythe, D. E., "Engineering Knowledge: The Construction of Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence", Social Studies of Science, vol. 23, pp. 445-477, 1993.
Meiksins, P. F., and C. Smith, Engineering Labour: Technical Workers in Comparative Perspective, London, Verso, 1996.
Bucciarelli, L. L., Engineering Philosophy, Delft, The Netherlands, DUP Satellite, 2003.
Catalano, G. D., "Engineering, Poverty, and the Earth", Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology and Society, San Rafael, CA, Morgan & Claypool, 2007.
Lynch, W. T., and R. Kline, "Engineering Practice and Engineering Ethics", Science, Technology & Human Values, vol. 25, pp. 195-225, 2000.
Pletta, D. H., The Engineering Profession: Its Heritage and Its Emerging Public Purpose, Lanham, MD, University Press of America, 1984.
Perrucci, R., "Engineering: Professional Servant of Power", American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 14, pp. 492-506, 1971.
Schaub, J. Hamilton, and K. Pavlovic, Engineering professionalism and ethics, New York, Wiley, 1983.
Moriarty, G., The engineering project: Its nature, ethics, and promise, University Park, PA, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008.
Petroski, H., "The Engineering Project: Its Nature, Ethics, and Promise (review)", Technology and Culture, vol. 51, pp. 540-542, 2010.
Channell, D. F., "Engineering Science as Theory and Practice", Technology and Culture, vol. 29, pp. 98-103, 1988.
