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Sørensen, K. H., and N. Levold, "Tacit Networks, Heterogeneous Engineers, and Embodied Technology", Science, Technology & Human Values, vol. 17, pp. 13-35, 1992.
Lucertini, M., A. Milán Gasca, and F. Nicolò, Technological concepts and mathematical models in the evolution of modern engineering systems: Controlling, managing, organizing, Basel, Switzerland, Birkhaüser Verlag, 2004.
Manegold, K. H., "Technology Academised: Education and Training of the Engineer in the Nineteenth Century", The Dynamics of Science and Technology: social values, technical norms, and scientific criteria in the development of knowledge, Dordrecht, Holland, D. Reidel Publishing., pp. 137-158, 1978.
Luegenbiehl, H., "Themes for an International Code of Engineering Ethics", Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE/WFEO International Colloquium, Nashville, TN, June 20-23, 2003.
Liu, X., "To Open Up New Space of Philosophy: Philosophical Implications of Engineering Studies", Journal of Engineering Studies, vol. 1, pp. 11-13, 2009.
Lagesen, V. Anette, and K. H. Sørensen, "Walking the line? The enactment of the social/technical binary in software engineering", Engineering Studies, vol. 1, pp. 129 - 149, 2009.
Lynn, L., and H. Salzman, "What Makes a Good Engineer? U.S., German and Japanese Perspectives", European Applied Business Research Conference, Rothenburg, Germany, 2002.
Leonardi, P. M., and S. R. Barley, "What’s under construction here? Social action, materiality, and power in constructivist studies of technology and organizing", The Academy of Management Annals, vol. 4, pp. 1-55, 2010.
Downey, G. Lee, and J. Lucena, "When Students Resist: An Ethnography of Engineering Senior Design Education", Mudd Design Workship III: Social Dimensions of Engineering Design, Claremont, Harvey Mudd College, pp. 281-292, 2001.
Downey, G. Lee, and J. Lucena, "When Students Resist: An Ethnography of Engineering Senior Design Education", Mudd Design Workship III: Social Dimensions of Engineering Design, Claremont, Harvey Mudd College, pp. 281-292, 2001.
