INES Intersectons: Connecting International Engineering Studies Scholars
Saturday May 20th
1:15-4:30pm Eastern
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Wilmeth Active Learning Center (WALC) and on Zoom
Held in conjunction with IEEE ETHICS-2023 (
Do you study engineers and/or engineering practice? Are you looking for opportunities to connect with others doing similar work? Please join us for a networking and professional development workshop!
This workshop is an opportunity for the Engineering Studies community to revitalize our connections with each other and promote avenues for future research. The International Network for Engineering Studies (INES) is an international community of scholars who study the historical, social, cultural, political, philosophical, rhetorical, and organizational aspects of engineers and engineering. Part community-building, part professional development, we hope to use this workshop to get to know more of our members, connect our members with each other, and highlight opportunities for funding and publication with other professional organizations.
The workshop will be divided into three parts: Publishing, Networking, and Funding Opportunities. First, we have invited editors from academic journals such as Engineering Studies, IEEE Technology and Society, etc. to speak about publishing opportunities. Second, we will facilitate a rapid networking session, in which each participant will be connected with several other scholars with shared topics and areas of expertise. Finally, we will be joined by NSF staff representing ER2 and other relevant programs. Participants will use the workshop to develop their own research ideas, speak to publishers, program managers and potential collaborators, and make concrete plans for furthering their research. As a final task, each participant will fill out a postcard to summarize their research goals, which will help the INES committee to match them with other scholars and resources in the future. The postcard can also be mailed to participants, as a reminder of the action items they committed to in the workshop.
Participants may attend in-person or online. We ask all participants to indicate your research area when you register so we can match you with like-minded scholars for the rapid networking session. We will also facilitate rapid networking virtually for those joining us online. Recordings of the Publishing and Funding conversations will be posted on our website for our international audience, or for anyone who was unable to attend. This workshop is meant to be a first step in creating a sustained INES community, with several future events planned throughout the summer.
Preliminary Schedule - May 20, 2023 (all times EDT)
- 1:15-1:30 PM: Welcome, agenda, settling in
- 1:30-2:15 PM: Publishing outlets (numerous journals represented)
- 2:15-3 PM: Rapid networking, Part I
- 3-3:15 PM: Break
- 3:15-3:45 PM: Rapid networking, Part II
- 3:45-4:15 PM: Funding
- 4:15-4:30 PM: Call to action, follow-on events, feedback
Please contact Brent Jesiek (INES Chair) for registration instructions.