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Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Dias, D., "Reasons and Motivations for the Option of an Engineering Career in Portugal", European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 36, pp. 367-376, 2011.
Baum, E., "Recruiting and Graduating Women: The Underrepresented Student", IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 28, pp. 47-50, 1990.
Moranda, S., "Red Prometheus: Engineering and Dictatorship in East Germany, 1945–1990 (review)", Journal of World History, vol. 21, pp. 169-172, 2010.
Dukhan, N., and M. R. Schumack, "Reflection-Based Assessment of Service Learning in Undergraduate Engineering", International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, vol. 5, pp. 32-43, 2010.
Robbins, P. T., "The Reflexive Engineer: Perceptions of Integrated Development", Journal of International Development, vol. 19, pp. 99-110, 2007.
Coeckelbergh, M., "Regulation or Responsibility? Autonomy, Moral Imagination, and Enginering", Science, Technology & Human Values, vol. 31, pp. 237-260, 2006.
Sinclair, G., and W. V. Tilston, "The Relationship of Technology to Engineering", Research in Philosophy and Technology: Official Annual Publication of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, vol. 5, pp. 87-97, 1982.
Disco, C., "Remaking “Nature”: The Ecological Turn in Dutch Water Management", Science, Technology & Human Values, vol. 27, pp. 206-235, 2002.
Davis, M., "Report: Writing a Code of Ethics by E-Mail: My Adventures with Some Software Engineers", Science Communication, vol. 21, pp. 392-405, 2000.
Swierstra, T., and J. Jelsma, "Responsibility without Moralism in Technoscientific Design Practice", Science, Technology, & Human Values, vol. 31, pp. 309-332, 2006.
Borenstein, J., "Responsible Authorship in Engineering Fields: An Overview of Current Ethical Challenges", Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 17, pp. 355-364, Jun, 2011.
Bailey, D. E., and S. R. Barley, "Return to Work: Toward Post-Industrial Engineering", IIE Transactions, vol. 37, pp. 737-752, 2005.
Meiksins, P. F., "The "Revolt of the Engineers" Reconsidered", Technology and Culture, vol. 29, pp. 219-246, 1988.
Jeon, C., "A Road to Modernization and Unification: The Construction of the Gyeongbu Highway in South Korea", Technology and Culture, vol. 51, pp. 55-79, 2010.
Jeon, C., "A Road to Modernization and Unification: The Construction of the Gyeongbu Highway in South Korea", Technology and Culture, vol. 51, pp. 55-79, 2010.
Henderson, K., "The Role of Material Objects in the Design Process: A Comparison of Two Design Cultures and How They Contend with Automation", Science, Technology & Human Values, vol. 23, pp. 139-174, 1998.
Hecht, G., "Rupture-talk in the Nuclear Age: Conjugating Colonial Power in Africa", Social Studies of Science, vol. 32, pp. 691-728, 2002.
Pannabecker, J. R., "School for Industry: L’Ecole d’Arts et Metiers of Chalons-sur-Marne under Napoleon and the Restoration", Technology and Culture, vol. 43, pp. 254-290, 2002.
Layton, E. T., "Science as a Form of Action: The Role of the Engineering Sciences", Technology and Culture, vol. 29, pp. 82-97, 1988.
Shi, C., "On Science, Technology, and Engineering", Journal of Engineering Studies, vol. 1, pp. 5-6, 2009.
König, W., "Science-Based Industry or Industry-Based Science? Electrical Engineering in Germany before World War I", Technology and Culture, vol. 37, pp. 70-101, 1996.
Petitjean, P., "Scientific Development, Engineering Schools and the Building of a Modern State", History and Technology, vol. 12, pp. 191-204, 1995.
Yeang, C-P., "Scientific Fact or Engineering Specification? The U.S. Navy’s Experiments on Long-Range Wireless Telegraphy Circa 1910", Technology and Culture, vol. 45, pp. 1-29, 2004.
Vincenti, W. G., "The Scope for Social Impact in Engineering Outcomes: A Diagrammatic Aid to Analysis", Social Studies of Science, vol. 21, pp. 761-767, 1991.
Reuss, M., "Seeing Like an Engineer: Water Projects and the Mediation of the Incommensurable", Technology and Culture, vol. 49, pp. 531-546, 2008.
