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[ Author(Asc)] Title Type Year
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Bazzo, W. Antonio, Ciência, tecnologia e sociedade, e o contexto da educa{\c c}ão tecnológica, Florianópolis, Ed. da Univ. Federal de Santa Catarina, 1998.
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Barley, S. R., and G. Kunda, "Itinerant Professionals: Technical Contractors in a Knowledge Economy", America at Work: Choices and Challenges, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 173-193, 2006.
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Barley, S. R., and J. E. Orr, Between Craft and Science: Technical Work in U.S. Settings, Ithaca, NY, IRL Press, 1997.
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Bailyn, L., and J. T. Lynch, "Engineering as a Life-Long Career: Its Meaning, its Satisfactions, its Difficulties", Journal of Occupational Behavior, vol. 4, pp. 263-283, 1983.
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Baillie, C., E. Feinblatt, T. Thamae, and E. Berrington, "Needs and Feasibility: A Guide for Engineers in Community Projects –- The Case of Waste for Life", Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology and Society, San Rafael, CA, Morgan & Claypool, 2010.
Baillie, C., "Engineers within a Local and Global Society", Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology and Society, San Rafael, CA, Morgan & Claypool, 2006.
Baillie, C., A. Pawley, and D. Riley, Engineering and Social Justice: In the University and Beyond, West Lafayette, Purdue University Press, 2012.
