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Laymon, R., "Applying Idealized Scientific Theories to Engineering", Synthese, vol. 81, pp. 353-371, 1989.
Barozzi, A., and V. Toschi, "A Cross-Section of Women Engineers in Italy", European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 14, pp. 381-388, 1989.
Unger, S. H., "Engineering Ethics and the Question of whether to Work on Military Projects", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 577, pp. 211-215, 1989.
Weinberg, A. M., "Engineering in an Age of Anxiety", Issues in Science and Technology, vol. 6, pp. 37-43, 1989.
Buchanan, R.. A., The Engineers: A History of the Engineering Profession in Britain, 1750-1914, London, Jessica Kingsley, 1989.
Slinn, J., Engineers in Power: 75 Years of the Electrical Power Engineers’ Association, London, Lawrence and Wishart, 1989.
Flores, A., Ethics and Risk Management in Engineering, Lanham, MD, University Press of America, 1989.
Downey, G. Lee, A. Donovan, and T. J. Elliott, "The Invisible Engineer: How Engineering Ceased to be a Problem in Science and Technology Studies", Knowledge and Society: studies in the sociology of culture past and present, vol. 8, pp. 189-216, 1989.
Gispen, K., New Profession, Old Order: Engineers and German Society, 1815-1914, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Hacker, S. L., Pleasure, Power and Technology: Some Tales of Gender, Engineering, and the Cooperative Workplace, Boston, Unwin Hyman, 1989.
Meiksins, P. F., and J. M. Watson, "Professional Autonomy and Organizational Constraint: The Case of Engineers", The Sociological Quarterly, vol. 30, pp. 561-585, 1989.
Kranakis, E., "Social Determinants of Engineering Practice: A Comparative View of France and America in the Nineteenth Century", Social Studies of Science, vol. 19, pp. 5-70, 1989.
Johnson, D. G., "The Social/Professional Responsibility of Engineers", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 577, pp. 106-114, 1989.
Crawford, S., Technical Workers in an Advanced Society: The Work, Careers and Politics of French Engineers, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Law, J., "The Anatomy of a Sociotechnical Struggle: The Design of the TSR 2", Technology and Social Process, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 44-69, 1988.
Law, J., and M. Callon, "Engineering and Sociology in a Military Aircraft Project: A Network Analysis of Technological Change", Social Problems, vol. 35, pp. 284-297, 1988.
Bucciarelli, L. L., "Engineering Design Process", Making Time: Ethnographies of High-Technology Organizations, Philadelphia, Temple University Press, pp. 92-122, 1988.
McCormick, K., "Engineering Education in Britain and Japan: Some Reflections on the Use of the ‘Best Practice’ Models in International Comparison", Sociology, vol. 22, pp. 583-605, 1988.
Strauss, K., "Engineering Ideology", IEE proceedings. A, Science, measurement and technology, vol. 135, pp. 261-265, 1988.
