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Cech, E. A., "Trained to Disengage? A Longitudinal Study of Social Consciousness and Public Engagement among Engineering Students", Proceedings of the 2010 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky, 2010.
Hirose, S., "Two Classes of British Engineers: An Analysis of Their Education and Training, 1880s-1930s", Technology and Culture, vol. 51, pp. 388-402, 2010.
Hirose, S.., "Two Classes of British Engineers: An Analysis of Their Education and Training, 1880s-1930s", Technology and Culture, vol. 51, pp. 388-402, 2010.
Seglas, J., D. Ferrer-Balas, and K. F. Mulder, "What do Engineering Students Learn in Sustainability Courses?: The Effects of the Pedagogical Approach", Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 18, pp. 275-284, 2010.
Leonardi, P. M., and S. R. Barley, "What’s under construction here? Social action, materiality, and power in constructivist studies of technology and organizing", The Academy of Management Annals, vol. 4, pp. 1-55, 2010.
Fox, M. Frank, "Women and Men Faculty in Academic Science and Engineering: Social-Organizational Indicators and Implications", American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 53, pp. 997-1012, 2010.
Smith, A. E., and B. Dengiz, "Women in Engineering in Turkey - a Large Scale Quantitative and Qualitative Examination", European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 35, pp. 45-57, 2010.
Christensen, S. H., and E.. Ernø-Kjølhede, "Academic drift in Danish professional engineering education. Myth or reality? Opportunity or threat?", European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 36, pp. 285-299, 2011.
Dias, P., "Aesthetics and Ethics in Engineering: Insights from Polanyi", Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 17, pp. 233-243, Jun, 2011.
Murphy, C., P. Gardoni, and C. E. Harris, "Classification and Moral Evaluation of Uncertainties in Engineering Modeling", Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 17, pp. 553-570, Sep, 2011.
Amelink, C. T., and P. S. Meszaros, "A Comparison of Educational Factors Promoting or Discouraging the Intent to Remain in Engineering by Gender", European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 36, pp. 47-62, 2011.
Beddoes, K., "Engineering Education Discourses on Underrepresentation: Why Problematization Matters", International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 1117-1129, 2011.
Bloor, D., The Enigma of the Aerofoil: Rival Theories in Aerodynamics, 1909-1930, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2011.
Jesiek, B. K., and K. Beddoes, "From Development and Diplomacy to Competitiveness and Globalization: Historical Perspectives on the Internationalization of Engineering Education", What Is Global Engineering Education For?: The Making of International Educators, San Rafael, CA, Morgan & Claypool, pp. 45-76, 2011.
Bucak, S., and N. Kadirgan, "Influence of Gender in Choosing a Career amongst Engineering Fields: A Survey Study from Turkey", European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 36, pp. 449-460, 2011.
Rydhagen, B., and C. Dackman, "Integration of Sustainable Development in Sanitary Engineering Education in Sweden", European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 36, pp. 87-95, 2011.
De Block, G., and J. Polasky, "Light Railways and the Rural-Urban Continuum: Technology, Space and Society in Late Nineteenth-Century Belgium", Journal of Historical Geography, vol. 37, pp. 312-328, Jul, 2011.
Katz, E., "The Nazi Engineers: Reflections on Technological Ethics in Hell", Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 17, pp. 571-582, 2011.
Vermaas, P., P. Kroes, I. Van de Poel, M. Franssen, and W. Houkes, "A Philosophy of Technology: From Technical Artefacts to Sociotechnical Systems", Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology and Society, San Rafael, CA, Morgan & Claypool, 2011.
Cech, E., B. Rubineau, S. Silbey, and C. Seron, "Professional Role Confidence and Gendered Persistence in Engineering", American Sociological Review, vol. 76, pp. 641-666, Oct, 2011.
Dias, D., "Reasons and Motivations for the Option of an Engineering Career in Portugal", European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 36, pp. 367-376, 2011.
Borenstein, J., "Responsible Authorship in Engineering Fields: An Overview of Current Ethical Challenges", Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 17, pp. 355-364, Jun, 2011.
Oh, S. Soo, and G. B. Lewis, "Stemming Inequality? Employment and Pay of Female and Minority Scientists and Engineers", The Social Science Journal, vol. 48, pp. 397-403, 2011.
Bailey, D. E., and S. R. Barley, "Teaching-Learning Ecologies: Mapping the Environment to Structure Through Action", Organization Science, vol. 22, pp. 262-285, 2011.
Stieb, J. A., "Understanding Engineering Professionalism: A Reflection on the Rights of Engineers", Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 17, pp. 149-169, Mar, 2011.
