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Riley, D., Engineering and Social Justice, San Rafael, CA, Morgan and Claypool, 2008.
Xu, K., "Engineering education and technology in a fast-developing China", Technology in society, vol. 30, pp. 265-274, 2008.
Liel, A. B., and D. P. Billington, "Engineering Innovation at Bonneville Dam", Technology and Culture, vol. 49, pp. 727-751, 2008.
Moriarty, G., The engineering project: Its nature, ethics, and promise, University Park, PA, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008.
Christensen, S. Hyldgaard, and E. Ernø-Kjølhede, "Epistemology, Ontology and Ethics: ’Galaxies Away from the Engineering World’?", European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 33, pp. 561-571, 2008.
Adams, S. B., and P. J. Miranti, "Global Knowledge Transfer and Telecommunications: The Bell System in Japan, 1945–1952", Enterprise and Society, vol. 9, pp. 96-124, 2008.
Fox, M. Frank, "Institutional Transformation and the Advancement of Women Faculty: The Case of Academic Science and Engineering", Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, vol. 23: Springer Publishers, 2008.
S. Zaidi, W. H., "The Janus-Face of Techno-Nationalism: Barnes Willis and the ’Strength of England’", Technology and Culture, vol. 49, pp. 62-88, 2008.
Neeley, J. D., "A Library for Engineering Education: Frank O. Marvin and the University of Kansas, 1875–1915", Libraries and the Cultural Record, vol. 43, pp. 411-439, 2008.
Leonardi, P. M., and S. R. Barley, "Materiality and Change: Challenges to Building Better Theory About Technology and Organizing", Information and Organization, vol. 18, pp. 159-176, 2008.
Fein, M. R., Paving the way: New York road building and the American state, 1880-1956, Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2008.
Graber, F., "Purity and Theory: Theoretical Tools at Ponts et Chaussées, circa 1800", Technology and Culture, vol. 49, pp. 860-883, 2008.
Reuss, M., "Seeing Like an Engineer: Water Projects and the Mediation of the Incommensurable", Technology and Culture, vol. 49, pp. 531-546, 2008.
Duffy, J., L. Barington, W. Moeller, C. Barry, D. Kazmer, C. West, and V. Crespo, "Service-Learning Projects in Core Undergraduate Engineering Courses", International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 18-41, 2008.
Bowen, R. W., "Strategies for Engineering Development: Advancing Technology, Prioritising People", Desalination, vol. 227, pp. 3-13, Jul, 2008.
El-Zein, A., D. Airey, P. Bowden, and H. Clarkeburn, "Sustainability and Ethics as Decision-Making Paradigms in Engineering Curricula", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 9, pp. 170-182, 2008.
Keating, P., "Useless to the State: ’Social Problems’ and Social Engineering in Nationalist Nanjing, 1927–1937", China Review International, vol. 15, pp. 141-145, 2008.
