2024 INES Best Paper Award
Our international and interdisciplinary prize committee selected the article “Framing Intelligent Transport Systems in the Arctic: Reindeer, Fish and the Engineered Road” by Bård Torvetjønn Haugland, Marianne Ryghaug & Roger Andre Søraa for this year's INES Best Paper Award. The candidate pool of articles for this year's prize were all papers published in Engineering Studies during 2022 and 2023.
INES Intersections - Workshop Invitation
We are pleased to invite your participation in INES Intersections: Connecting International Engineering Studies Scholars, a workshop scheduled for Saturday, May 20, 1:15-4:30 PM EDT.
This event is organized in conjunction with the IEEE ETHICS-2023 conference at Purdue, and will be run as a hybrid event with both face-to-face and online participation (via Zoom). Conference registration is NOT required to attend in either mode - we only ask that participants have an active INES membership/subscription for 2023.
One of the main goals for the workshop is to help those of us in the engineering studies community revitalize our connections with one another and explore avenues for future research. The event itself will be organized around three main themes or foci: Publishing, Networking, and Funding Opportunities.
About INES
Founded in 2004 in Paris, the International Network for Engineering Studies (INES) is an interdisciplinary arena of scholarly research and teaching built around the question: What are the relationships among the technical and nontechnical dimensions of engineering practice, and how do these relationships change over time and from place to place? Addressing and responding to this question can also involve engineering studies scholars as critical participants in the areas they study including, for example, engineering professional configuration and formation, engineering work practices, engineering design, equity (gender, racial, ethnic, class, geopolitical inclusion within engineering), and engineering’s service to society. Membership in INES is designed to complement memberships in other professional societies—the constitutive disciplines and areas of study upon which INES scholarship builds. INES' mission is threefold:
- Advance research and teaching in historical, social, cultural, political, philosophical, rhetorical, and organizational studies of engineers and engineering;
- Build and serve diverse communities of researchers, teachers, and thoughtful (reflexive) practitioners interested in engineering studies; and
- Link scholarly work in engineering studies to broader discussions and debates about engineering education, research, practice, policy, and representation.
Officers and Directors
Call for proposals for an INES workshop, "Engineering Interventions"
The International Network for Engineering Studies (INES) represents the interdisciplinary field of scholars who study engineers and engineering from a variety of social, political, and historical perspectives. Engineering studies aims to promote knowledge about engineering as a social and cultural activity by bringing together this important research and connecting researchers with similar interests around the world.
Changes in INES Leadership
It’s been an honor to serve as your INES chair for the past year and as Vice Chair working with Astushi Akera for the previous two. I’ll be stepping down at the end of December 2022 in order to step into the Editor-in-Chief role of our journal Engineering Studies. I adore scholarly publishing and am thrilled for the opportunity to build on what Gary Downey and Cyrus Mody have built for our intellectual community. Please look for upcoming announcements and opportunities to plan for the journal’s next stages.
I’m thrilled to announce that Brent Jesiek (Purdue) will be stepping in as chair. If you know our network, you know that Brent has been a key figure in its development. He’s been serving as our webmaster for as long as I’ve been familiar with the network and does a lot of work behind the scenes to keep the membership enrollments and listservs going.
CFP: New engineering actors and practices in agriculture
Engineering Studies warmly welcome prospective authors to submit their contributions to a special issue dedicated to New engineering actors and practices in agriculture. For additional details, please consult the CFP for this special issue (PDF).
Research on Engineering Practice (REP) Workshop - Nominee Application
The one and a half day, NSF-sponsored REP Workshop will be held at Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, California. The workshop will bring together scholars, industrial partners, and policymakers from around the United States and abroad. We are interested in appraising the current state of research on engineering practice and developing research agendas focused on using findings from research on engineering practice to transform engineering education programs in academic and industry settings.
Research on Engineering Practice (REP) Workshop - Participant Information
Invited participants who plan to attend the 2018 REP Workshop (Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, Oct. 2-3, 2018) should complete this information form by August 17, 2018.
Research on Engineering Practice (REP) Workshop
Research on Engineering Practice (REP) Workshop
Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA
October 2-3, 2018