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Journal Article
Mehalik, M. M., and M.. E. Gorman, "A Framework for Strategic Network Design Assessment, Decision Making, and Moral Imagination", Science, Technology, & Human Values, vol. 31, pp. 289-308, 2006.
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McDonald, C., "From Art Form to Engineering Discipline?: A History of US Military Software Development Standards, 1974-1998", IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 32, pp. 32-45, 2010.
Bix, A. Sue., "From ’Engineeresses’ to ’Girl Engineers’ to ’Good Engineers’: A History of Women’s U.S. Engineering Education", NWSA Journal, vol. 16, pp. 27-49, 2004.
Lucena, J., G. Lee Downey, and H. A. Amery, "From region to countries: Engineering education in Bahrain, Egypt, and Turkey (Special Issue Introduction)", IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, vol. 25, pp. 4-11, 2006.
Belhoste, B., and K. Chatzis, "From Technical Corps to Technocratic Power: French State Engineers and their Professional and Cultural Universe in the First Half of the 19th Century", History and Technology, vol. 23, pp. 209 - 225, 2007.
Puig-Pla, C., "From the Academic Endorsement of the Mechanical Arts to the Introduction of the Teaching of Machinery in Catalonia (Spain)", ICON, the Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology, vol. 5, pp. 20-39, 1999.
Divall, C., "Fundamental Science versus Design: Employers and Engineering Studies in British Universities, 1935-1976", Minerva, vol. 29, pp. 167-194, 1991.
Fox, M. Frank, and C. Fonseca, "Gender and Mentoring of Faculty in Science and Engineering: Individual and Organizational Factors", International Journal of Learning and Change, vol. 1, pp. 460-483, 2006.
Harris, B. J., T. Reed Rhoads, S. E. Walden, T. J. Murphy, R. Meissler, and A. Reynolds, "Gender Equity in Industrial Engineering: A Pilot Study", NWSA Journal, vol. 16, 2004.
Frehill, L. M., "The Gendered Construction of the Engineering Profession in the United States, 1893-1920", Men and Masculinities, vol. 6, pp. 383-403, 2004.
Salminen-Karlsson, M., "Gender-inclusive Computer Engineering Education: Two Attempts at Curriculum Change", The International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 18, pp. 430-437, 2002.
Sørensen, K. H., and A-J. Berg, "Genderization of Technology Among Norwegian Engineering Students", Acta Sociologica, vol. 30, pp. 151-171, 1987.
Sommer, G., and R. Graf von Westphalen, "German engineering education in transition: The function of nontechnical studies", Technology in society, vol. 15, pp. 449-459, 1993.
Becklake, J., "German Rocket Engineers in Britain: Their Influence Revisited", Acta Astronautica, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 510-515, 2006.
Adams, S. B., and P. J. Miranti, "Global Knowledge Transfer and Telecommunications: The Bell System in Japan, 1945–1952", Enterprise and Society, vol. 9, pp. 96-124, 2008.
Downey, G. Lee, J. Lucena, B. M. Moskal, R. Parkhurst, T. Bigley, C. Hays, B. K. Jesiek, L. Kelly, J. Miller, S. Ruff, et al., "The Globally Competent Engineer: Working Effectively with People Who Define Problems Differently", Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 95, pp. 107-122, 2006.
Hård, M., and A. Knie, "The Grammar of Technology: German and French Diesel Engineering, 1920-1940", Technology and Culture, vol. 40, pp. 26-46, 1999.
Adam, A., "Heroes or Sibyls? Gender and engineering ethics", IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, vol. 20, pp. 39-46, 2001.
Varma, R., "High-Tech Coolies: Asian Immigrants in US Science and Engineering Workforce", Science as Culture, vol. 11, pp. 337–361, 2002.
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Huning, A., and C. Mitcham, "The historical and philosophical development of engineering ethics in Germany", Technology in society, vol. 15, pp. 427-439, 1993.
Mitcham, C., "A historico-ethical perspective on engineering education: From use and convenience to policy engagement", Engineering Studies, vol. 1, pp. 35 - 53, 2009.
Smith, C., "How Are Engineers Formed? Professionals, Nation and Class Politics", Work, Employment, and Society, vol. 3, pp. 451-470, 1990.
VanderSteen, J. D. J., K. R. Hall, and C. A. Baillie, "Humanitarian Engineering Placements in Our Own Communities", European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 35, pp. 215-223, 2010.
